Our mission is to introduce Bitcoin to people worldwide and empower events that want to be in front of the Bitcoin revolution.

In the heart of Europe, where the borders of Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium intertwine, a small community of Bitcoin developers and mechanical wizards with food & drink expertise embarked on an experimental journey. Their goal was simple yet ambitious: to revolutionize the way people interacted with Bitcoin through an everyday activity — enjoying a cold beer…

At BitcoinTaps, we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation. Our international team works in harmony, driven by a shared passion for pushing boundaries and evolving alongside the ever-changing landscape of Bitcoin technology.

Our journey began with a simple question: can we tap a beer with Bitcoin? From there, we embarked on a mission to develop cutting-edge Bitcoin applications. What started as a proof of concept quickly grew into something extraordinary, inspiring us to expand our team with experienced and creative engineers who share our vision.

Our goal is clear: to create the world’s leading Bitcoin application that not only enhances adoption but also provides a positive and seamless experience for users worldwide.

But our story doesn’t end there. Beyond our groundbreaking developments, we’ve discovered that our fully automated tapping service serves as more than just a transactional platform – it’s a place where connections are made and experiences are shared.

At BitcoinTaps, we embrace the challenge of connecting with others and harnessing the power of technology to shape the future. Join the Bitcoin journey and experience BitcoinTaps firsthand.


December 27, 2022


Proof of concept presented at the legendary 3th Xmas Noderunners meetup at Bitcoin City Arnhem.
Pay with Bitcoin Lightning and tap your beer.

December 27, 2022
April 28, 2023


The ProTap provides integration with beer kegs and is compatible with all beer tap installations.
From now on BitcoinTaps provides higher volume.

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April 28, 2023
June 1, 2023

field testing

Start introducing BitcoinTaps in the open at events in The Netherlands, Germany & Belgium using PartyTaps and ProTaps.

June 1, 2023
July 21, 2023

Lightning Checkout integration

Join forces with Bitcoin payment provider Lightning Checkout to integrate with high availability services for payments and managing BitcoinTaps.

July 21, 2023
September 12, 2023

Bitcoin Amsterdam

Scale up our ProTap services at one of the biggest Bitcoin events in Europe

September 12, 2023
February 1, 2024

Support for all kind of drinks

ProTap support for soda’s wines, waters, even cocktails

February 1, 2024
April 19, 2024

Offline Payments

Making a Bitcoin Lightning payment, while BitcoinTap is disconnected from Internet.
Click to get an impression

April 19, 2024