Donate to Support bitcointaps

This is the place to support BitcoinTaps by sending some sats

Or use our Lightning address [email protected]
If you prefer to donate straight from your wallet.

Cheers to Satoshi!

Thank you for your support!

Team BitcoinTaps

Lucas (7000 sats)

Anonymous (7000 sats)

Take your pills!

Orange Minster (7000 sats)

Belzono (7000 sats)

Je moeder (21 sats)


Anonymous (1595 sats)

Pleb Royale (4269 sats)

This should be available as a payment way on every festival someday. Until that time, IMHO, Bitcoin events and meetups should adopt a Bitcoin tap!

Beer & Bitcoin (21 sats)

Keep it up! Cheers!

@einzie (2100 sats)


Ralphie (21 sats)


Ralphie (21000 sats)


Plebtap (4121 sats)

Bitcoin is half of everything

Pieter Meulenhoff (2100 sats)

Best project ever!

Arno (21 sats)

You have to drink to stay alive! #LFG

Test (10 sats)
